July 1, 2010

Grraappeeffrruuiitt FFuunn FFaaccttss

􀂃 Grapefruits come in many colors. They can be yellow, pink,
white or ruby in color. All varieties have a tangy-sweet
flavor and are very juicy.
􀂃 Grapefruits are part of the citrus family. That means that
they are related to oranges, tangerines, lemons, and limes.
􀂃 Most grapefruit in the United States is grown in Florida.
􀂃 Grapefruit grows on a large tree with glossy dark green
leaves. The fruit hangs in clusters on the tree.
􀂃 The most common way to eat a grapefruit is
to slice it in half and scoop the sections
out with a spoon. You can also peel it
and separate the sections like an
orange or slice it into wedges.
􀂃 Grapefruits are a great source of
vitamin C. One-half of a grapefruit
provides all the vitamin C your body
needs for the day.
Did you know…that the grapefruit got its
name from the way it grows in clusters (like
grapes) on the tree?

Tangy Fruit Salad
1 grapefruit, peeled and sliced
1 orange, peeled and sliced
1 cup grapes
1 banana, sliced
1 cup low-fat vanilla yogurt
1. Combine all ingredients in a
medium bowl.
2. Enjoy!

Nutrition Facts
Serving Size = ½ medium
Calories 37
Fat 0 g
Fiber 1 g
Vit. C 47 mg
Vit. A 318 IU
Folic Acid 159 μg

Grapefruit Juice Recipe Benefits & Nutrition
This easy grapefruit juice recipe makes a lovely refreshing drink rich in Vitamins A and C. Pink grapefruits are at least 5 times richer in Vitamin A than white ones.


•1 organic grapefruit


1.Halve the grapefruit
2.Juice manually using a citrus juicer.
3.Serve and enjoy.

I like to use the Samson Juicer to make myself a really smooth organic grapefruit juice:

How to make Grapefruit Juice in the Samson Juicer

1.Peel the grapefruit leaving on as much of the nutritious white pith as possible. The pith is full of bioflavonoids which benefit your gums, capillaries, and blood vessels.
2.Slice or use your hands to prepare the grapefruit into segments that fit your juicer.

3.Juice and serve.

Grapefruit and Orange Juice Recipe


•1 pink grapefruit
•2 oranges

How to Make

Method 1:

1.Cut the citrus fruit in half.
2.Juice manually using a citrus juicer.
3.Serve in a tall glass.

Method 2:

1.Peel the citrus fruit. I like to score around them and peel the skin off in large quarters.
2.Slice or break into segments to fit your juicer.
3.Juice and enjoy.

Grapefruit Orange Celery Juice Recipe

Sometimes I like to add a couple of stalks of celery for extra minerals and a bit of healthy salt. This is great after a run, or whenever your need to rehydrate.


•1 grapefruit
•2 oranges
•2 stalks of celery

How to Make

1.Peel the oranges and the grapefruit.
2.Wash the celery.
3.Juice and serve in a big glass.

Benefits of Grapefruits

The many benefits of grapefruits include:

•High in vitamin C which boosts the immune system and helps fight colds and flu.
•When eaten whole the fruit is an excellent source of the soluble fiber pectin which is good for the cardiovascular system, reducing high cholesterol.
•Good for allergies.
•Helps prevent and heal infections of the throat and mouth.
•The white pith is rich in bioflavonoids - these are great for the skin, and help reduce cellulite, and fluid retention.
•The grapefruit seeds contain a natural antibiotic and antiseptic - another reason to eat or juice them whole. Grapefruit seed extract (GSE) is used to fight colds, sore throats, parasites, and yeast infections and to relieve indigestion.
•Pink and red varities are high in lycopene which appears to significantly lower the risk of prostate cancer.
•Contains many health promoting, anti-cancer plant chemicals including phenolic acid, limonoids, terpenes, and monoterpenes.


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